Saturday, August 3, 2013

Happy Birthday to Me!

For those who may be worried that you forgot/missed my birthday. Have no fear... You didn't really. Today is my 16th spiritual birthday! Sixteen years ago, I interrupted my mom who was folding laundry and after talking for a bit, I prayed that Jesus would forgive my sins and help me live like Him.

It's been a work in progress. I have definitely grown and changed a lot in the past years, but I still have a long way to grow in my relationship with God. I look forward to seeing how God works in and through me for the next year.

P.S. For those wondering, my birthday is September 18th :)

1 comment:

  1. Forgot to wish you a happy spiritual birthday on Sunday. So now extremely belated, Happy Birthday! Hmm, I wonder what the spiritual equivalent of a drivers license is....probably finding a place that God will lead you to do work for his glory. Pretty sure you've got that in the bag. Take joy in each part of your day.
