Monday, August 26, 2013

The Squeaky Wheel

Probably the biggest struggle as a first year teacher is learning how to be an advocate for myself and my students.

For example, the air condition doesn't really work in my room. And in the past 6 school days, my classroom has been worked in during only 1 day! One of my students needs to go out into the general education classrooms, but in order for that to happen, I need to send an aide with him (which would mean giving up my only aide for at least 140 mins a day). None of the computers in my classroom work consistently.

I'm trying to learn how to fight for what I (and my students) need. They say that "a squeaky wheel gets the grease" but sometimes the squeaky wheel just makes everyone want to scream. I'm trying to learn how to be the squeaky wheel that gets the grease, not the one that drives everyone bonkers!

If you have any tips...feel free to share!

I would really appreciate any/all prayers as I try to find the balance between getting some needs met in my classroom and trying to keep a good relationship with everyone at the school.


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