Monday, September 23, 2013

Happy Dance

My day at school began with a happy dance. More happy dances happened throughout the day.

Why so many dances from someone who doesn't really dance?

-I got my updated classroom budget - which was exciting because they realized they made an oop-sies and increased my budget.

-There were new boxes in my future classroom.

-A guy came in and worked in my classroom. He installed a changing table (I'm not exactly sure why, but whatevs), my dry erase board, and my projector screen.

-A different guy came in and started putting in the supports for a swing.

-A student had an "Ah-Ha" moment in math class. We had worked on using touchmath for about 3 weeks. This student had never really understood putting dots on the numbers to use them to count. Today, I introduced using number lines to help with adding. I had to go deal with a situation, but when I came back to see how this student was doing, he had put all of the dots on the numbers for touchmath! My first reaction was "He didn't follow directions" but then I took a second look and realized "OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!! HE USED TOUCH MATH!!!!!!!!!!!" I gave him a high five and did a little happy dance... the student told me to stop dancing - people should only dance at home. :D

-The kitchen cabinets for my classroom were delivered after school!!!  And I was told that by the end of next week, I should be in my classroom.

-There was a package waiting outside my door! As I opened it, there was a lovely note from a lady from the church I grew up in. There were some encouraging quotes and Bible verses that she shared. She also sent me two rice bowls (as a tribute to my time in China) to use as ice cream bowls! (She sent 2 just in case I wanted to share my ice cream... like thats going to happen!) :)

It's been a day FULL of happy dances!

Here's to another day full of happy dances! (imagine me toasting you with my bowl full of ice cream) :)

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